Susu Limitations

Susu doesn't always work as expected. There are many recorded problems with traditional Susu practice.

The main limitations of Susu are:


The traditional Susu system is based completely on trust. It can only exist within communities where there are strong bonds or substantial social capital. There’s usually no way to guarantee that early beneficiaries of the Susu will continue donating their obligated share so that later beneficiaries still receive the full amount.


There are many instances where the appointed 'Susu Collector', responsible for managing the pooled funds, has misappropriated these funds, leading to the collapse of the system


Each member must remain faithful and keep up with contributions in each and every round, especially after receiving their lump sum early, otherwise, the system collapses.

Geographic Limitations:

Members have great difficulty maintaining and enforcing compliance to terms if they operate from geographically dispersed locations.

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